Blogroll Me!
I guess that this post is a tie-in to the previous one, but I was just reminiscing [in my "old age"] and remembering the things I wanted to be, the things I thought I should be, when I grow up.
Kids always want to be something they're not: when they're weak, they want to be strong; when they're plain-looking, they want to be beautiful or handsome; when they're short, they want to be tall; when they're dumb, they want to be smart.
Some of these wannabes can be helped: with weights and exercise, with makeup, with platform shoes, with studying.
When I was young, I wanted to be like everyone else: cute, popular, the center of attention. But as I got older, I realized I didn't want to be like everyone else; I wanted to be me. I could be all those things in my own way, following my own style, not being like everybody else, but being comfortable with the Pearl that I was and then developed into.
When I was young, I thought I should be a veterinarian...because I loved animals.
When I was young, I thought I should be a librarian...because I loved books.
When I was young, I thought I should be a writer...because I loved to write stories and poetry.
When I was young, I thought I should be a teacher...because I loved to guide and help people learn new things.
When I was young, I thought I should be like everyone else...because, after all, doesn't every kid want to be like everyone else?
Well, I'm an animal-loving, copy-editing (of fiction), creative-writing person who still likes to guide and help people learn new things.
And guess what else I am...
I'm lucky. I'M ME!!