Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Bizarro World

Blogroll Me!

Your idea of odd probably differs from my sense of odd. But this is what I saw this morning, and it struck me as belonging to a "bizarro world."

I was driving in to work and was stopped at a red light. Looking in my rearview mirror, I saw a guy in a small car behind me. His hand was hanging out the window and there was a cigarette held between his fingers. I then looked at the car alongside me and saw a guy, his hand hanging out the window, a cigarette held between his fingers.

Went back to my rearview. Guy behind me now was puffing on his cigarette. Quick glance at passenger-side window. Guy beside me was now puffing on his cigarette.

Rearview mirror. Guy behind me was holding a CoffeeTime coffee cup to his lips and sipping.

Side window. Guy beside me was holding a CoffeeTime coffee cup to his lips and sipping.

Rearview mirror. Guy removed coffee cup from his lips and it was out of sight.

Side window. Guy was just removing his coffee cup from his lips and putting cup in a holder.

Light turns green. I leave Bizarro World behind and wonder who was the great choreographer/stage director of this recent scene.


Air Time said...

They have coffee in canada?

torontopearl said...

Coffee...and even coffee cups --yup!

Bizarro, isn't it?

cruisin-mom said...

sounds like a perfect Twilight episode!

cruisin-mom said...

ooooops! I meant Twilight "Zone" episode!