Monday, December 05, 2005

And I Quote...

Blogroll Me!

The great thing about blogging is that it’s forged relationships between people who are scattered around the world.

The bad thing about blogging is that it’s forged relationships between people who are scattered around the world.

Hey, that’s not bad. You can have that one.

Extracted from some personal correspondence I had today with PsychoToddler. Thanks, "Psycho," for those Pearlies of Wisdom.

1 comment:

PsychoToddler said...

The more I think about out, the more I realize how true this is. And it is probably the primary motivator for my trip to LA this weekend.

I am a terrible long-distance friend. I was tight with about a dozen guys and gals in college, and they all bought plane tickets and flew out to Milwaukee when I got married in 87. I have not spoken to a single one of them in 14 years.

I don't write letters, I don't travel much, and I see no point in talking on the phone. So we're out of touch. And the sad truth is that I don't miss them, because I really suspect that I have little in common with them at this point.

And now here I go cultivating long distance relationships with people I have NEVER EVEN MET!

But the nature of the internet is different. I don't have to make phone calls or write letters or travel. I can email, post comments on blogs, or even chat with people whose 'virtual' company I enjoy. And I can do it on a daily (or sometimes hourly ) basis.

So rather than the pointless once-every-three-month long distance call to a long-lost buddy, I can keep in touch with the daily goings on of people who share my interests, my politics, my outlook, whatever. I feel like I'm more involved in the daily life of Dr. Bean, for example, than the Chaim Yankel who sits next to me at shul.

But it is sad that it will be very unlikely that you, me, Trep, Bean, Jack, and whomever will be in one room sitting around a table enjoying a meal and funny stories.

Well, maybe until Mashiach comes.