Blogroll Me!
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Good afternoon,
This May, in all of our Chapters and Indigo stores, we will be celebrating the work and music of Leonard Cohen, including his soon to be launched new book of poetry Book of Longing.
On May 13th, at 4 o'clock, we will have the privilege of hosting Leonard for a very special event, at our flagship Indigo location on Bay and Bloor in Toronto.
We are planning to make the visit a very special tribute to this extraordinary man whose music and writing have touched the heart and soul of so many. As part of the tribute, we would like to present Leonard with a hand-bound book of actual letters and notes from Canadians across the country. And so the reason for this letter.
If you would like to have a personal note or letter, expressing what his work has meant to you, included in this book, please send it to me directly at the following address:
Heather Reisman
Leonard Cohen Tribute Book
Indigo Books & Music, Inc.
468 King Street West, Suite 500
Toronto, ON M5V 1L8
Our commitment is to do our best to include every note we receive by April 15th, in its original form.
Have a great day
Heather Reisman
Chief Booklover
P.S. The first 1,000 people who pre-order Book of Longing on-line will receive a signed first edition copy.
P.P.S. Coincidental with the launch of Book of Longing, his soulmate Anjani will be releasing Blue Alert, a recording of 12 new Leonard Cohen songs. I have heard this CD and it is nothing short of magical. It is available for pre-order at indigo.ca and will be released on May 5th.
+ View Leonard Cohen's Collection
Pearl, of course I know the name Leonard Cohen, but couldn't place what he's written. So, of course I went on-line. Didn't realize he wrote Suzanne (made famous by Judy Collins) and Hallelujah. Are you going to this event? I don't think I have to ask if you will be writing a personal note or letter. lol
Leonard Cohen is one of the half-dozen or so singer-peformers that I listen to ... ALL ... THE ... TIME.
Some songs over-and-over-and-over:
The Window, The Partisan, I Came So Far For Beauty, Ballad of the Absent Mare, Take This Waltz, Bird on the Wire, Lady Midnight....
For middle-brow, spiritual-libertarian enchantments, he's the one to turn to.
His poetry was with me during adolescence, and his music in early and now middle adulthood.
Thank G-d he's still alive! And thank Indigo B&M for compiling this tribute!
Parents, teach your children well: make them listen to Leonard Cohen!
CM, I've been deliberating over a personal note, but honestly, it wouldn't be about his music...but about the friendship he sustained with Canadian poet Irving Layton whom I've blogged about before. He is one of the few who would still visit Alzheimer's-ridden Irving in the nursing home whenever he was in Montreal.
A real mensch!
How did I KNOW that this post would be a stepping stone for a comment from you? I somehow had sensed that Leonard had worked his way into your life...
(Maybe you can write a tribute note...don't know if it's only meant for Canadians)
You just knew, Pearl, you just KNEW.
The thing about Leonard is, of course he's an above-average talent and his music will have an audience beyond his own time, but I wonder if he's a spiritual "cheater" of sorts. There's a bit of the me-generation "grooviness" that I'm wary of. [He's older than that generation, but that's when he hit the bigtime (i.e., the 70s)].
Bottom line: I don't trust people who go live in Zen retreats (which he's done late in life). WHAT, after all, is he retreating FROM? What wisdom and guidance did his Songstery fail to impart to him (and, in turn, to us, his fans)? He may have spent a little too much time in the Chelsea Hotel, if you know what I mean.
Leonard Cohen is the greatest! I think he was about as popular as Bob Dylan, especially among Jews. Two of my favorite songs off the bat: "Hallelujah", and "Girl, you'll be a woman soon". But I really love them all!
But most importantly, please tell us more about this: his soulmate Anjani will be releasing Blue Alert, a recording of 12 new Leonard Cohen songs. I have heard this CD and it is nothing short of magical.
I know nothing about this album, but here's a good link, I think.
I like his song "Everybody knows" its deep.
I haven't thought about Leonard Cohen in such a long time. His "everybody knows" song is quite sultry....sigh....
thanks for posting about it!!!
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