Thursday, July 28, 2005

Seek... and Ye Shall Find

Blogroll Me!

These recent searches might've led you to Pearlies of Wisdom:

1) words of wisdom on death of a street bum

2) Boy Vey! (I've had many of those searches, as I once critiqued (read: criticized!) a book by that title)

3) "Match Made in Manhattan" blog

4) "traveler's prayer" English translation Jewish

5) Welcome back to school messages for parents

6) tadig hints (I realized after I saw this search that I'd written about a Persian rice dish, tadig, that I'd enjoyed while in L.A. last month)

I really want to know about #1 and #5.

I've not eulogized any street bums, here or abroad.

But I could use a welcome back to school message. However, I picture it goes something like this:

"Welcome back to tuition headaches, financial strains, school supply lists, pettiness on the playground, cattiness in the classroom, hell in the hallway, parental peer pressure, lots of professional-development-days- so-you'd-better-find-a-caregiver-for-your-children-for-all-those-days-that-they're-off-and-you-and-your-husband-are-working, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.... Isn't it nice to be back? "


Jack Steiner said...

Boy vey did that street bum eat the tadig.. If only he would have read that back to school message for parents.

torontopearl said...

...and said THE TRAVELER'S PRAYER and gone to see A MATCH MADE IN MANHATTAN...then there would have been no need to eulogize him.