Blogroll Me!
Sometimes "progress" is actually really backwards. So many children these days do not understand the simple days of yesteryear: rotary telephones, AM radio, b & w television, NO REMOTE CONTROLS, getting up to answer the telephone (not having a machine picking up the call) REGARDLESS of who was on the other end. The list of course goes on and on.
Yesterday, en route home from work I made a stop that set me behind schedule. So I called home to let the family know when I was nearing our neighborhood.
My daughter answered in her eight-year-old sultry voice. "Hello."
"Hi." (I sounded more or less like myself, no need for a sultry voice here)
"What are you doing?"
"Who's there with you? Where's your father?" (at this point, I disguised my voice somewhat)
"He's here, helping us do homework."
"He is? So... where's your mother? Let me talk to your mother please!" (further disguising my voice to more of a bass tone, trying to throw my daughter off and let her think it's a man on the line)
Pause. Laugh. "Hi Mummy!"
"What? (trying to sound gruff) Let me talk to your mother!"
"Hi Mummy. I know it's you," she says, laughing.
(back in my regular voice) "Did you recognize that it was ME putting on a fake voice?"
"No...I didn't have to. I saw the phone number!"
Ha, so the joke was on me. Call display will get you (almost) every time!
great story...and I love your title reference to Lily Tomlin's "operator" character.
this post rates up there. i give it four ringy dingies.
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