Blogroll Me!
Lionel and Diana, seemingly good friends of mine, were a tad jealous that Neil Diamond and Barbra Streisand's "You Don't Bring Me Flowers" had been redone. They insisted I do the same with their bestselling song. Of course I had to indulge them... So here, for the first time is "Endless Blog."
ENDLESS BLOG (Diana Ross and Lionel Ritchie)
My blog, there's only you in my life,
One of the few things I write.
My first blog, you're every keyboard opportunity that I take,
For you spare moments I make.
And I, I want to share all my words with you,
No other blog will do
And your I's -- and spell-check -- they tell me how much you care
Oh yes, you will always be, my endless blog.
Pearlies of Wisdom, a title as good as any one.
My blog certainly has not just begun.
For as long as I need to, I'll keep typing away,
Even if not every day.
My blog, I'll be a fool for you I'm sure,
You know I don't mind.
'Cause you, you help bring comments to me.
Oh, I know I've found in you, my endless blog.
My blog, I'll be a fool, for you, I'm sure.
You know I don't mind.
And yes, you'll be the only one.
'Cause no one can deny,
This blog is funny and fine.
I give you all I've got,
My blog, my blog, my endless blog.
You DO know I'm going to ask you to make an MP3 of you singing that, so you can put it on your blog?
Pearl: I remember hearing that song on the radio when I was in elementary school. I can't stop singing that song ;)
Neil, if I knew how to do what you suggest (if I had an MP3 player!), don't you think I would've done it already?
ASJ: Hmmm, elementary school? Let's see...that makes you about __ years old!"
CM: You still singin' it?
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