Thursday, February 04, 2010


I've been visiting blogs since October 2004, but I took the plunge to start a blog of my own in December 2004.

What I'm going to do in this post is look back on the blog years and see if there are any posts written on February 4th; if so, I will link to them.

It'll be interesting to see what I might have been doing on this particular February date in another year...

Okay, so I only found two blog posts written on February 4th...


Robin said...

That is very cool. Were you writing something particular at that time, or feeling about for creative juices for your post? I could totally see you writing a novel about modern Jewish family life. Sort of "A Tree Grows in Brooklyn" but in Toronto 2010.

torontopearl said...

I'm flattered that you can compare my style with words to that classic by Betty whatever her name is. Is that how people will remember me too? Pearl what's her name?

(I just checked out Betty's last name -- Smith. I can't believe I didn't remember that very common family name...maybe 'cause it's one of the more boring names.)